Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Like a storm the Torpedo-Master rushed into our barracks. " The crewmen of the Fifteener, Fall in and hurry!." he called. Na, what's going on now, I thought. We were still rather suspicious and believed that we were going to get some kind of instructions about barracks regulations, day orderly or some kind of duty. But none of the above was true. While in formation in front of the barracks we waited in anticipation of things to come.

Then came the officers. But look there! The Second and Third Commanders also took their places at the right end of the formation. First the Commander gave a speech in which he expressed his praise for our conduct at sea and also at the station. Then he read a letter from the Fleet Command praising us for our successes and congratulating us for our decorations. And then the Second stepped forward.

The Commander started awarding the medals. The first and second Torpedo-Masters received the Gold as did the Engine-Master and an instructor. All together four Gold, seven large and one small Silver. The UBXV was the most decorated boat. So far now we had four Gold, eleven large and four small Silver and seven Bronze for a crew of eighteen men besides officers. Something like this could not pass without celebrating.

"Drink children! Who knows how long we are going to live. One of these days it is going to cost us our necks." said the Torpedo-Master who always got sad when he had a little too much. In very high spirits and even heavier stomachs we turned in very late that night. Even the officers looked somewhat shaken on the following day.

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